
Wednesday 16 March 2016

12 effective tips for sex power increase

12 effective tips for sex power increase

Decreased sexual interest and low sex power everybody at one or the other point of time. So, it is very time of need to use techniques to keep your sexual life, pleasurable and enjoyable. Here are 12 tips for sex power increase. Hope they are useful to you.
1. Don’t  do everyday. be a gap of one or two days. Sex, as a part and parcel of daily routine may make you feel bored and eventually might lead to decreased sexual interest.
2. Always have an element of surprise in your moves, or your general behavior, or the gifts that you choose. Surprise makes the moment exciting.
3. Different sex positions – You may start feeling bored by same postures. So, different intercourse postures will not only helps to have improved sexual health, but also helps you to keep fit by burning a few more calories. Sex postures that do not allow complete insertion make the act fun and exciting.
4. Try out some SAFE sex fantasies. Sexual fantasies are the imaginary scenes that you plan and enact with your spouse.
5. Do not undress all of a sudden. Slow and steady… and its makes your woman horny .
6. Wear a condom, it delays the pinnacle giving more time to enjoy. In some men, rolling back the foreskin of the penis helps delay excitation.  The tip of the penis (the end bulged part)  in men is the point of excitation. making delay in its excitation helps delay ejaculation and gives ample time for foreplay.
7. Exercise – Sex and exercise are connected to each other.
8. Black gram – Black gram has been hailed as one of the effective diet for sex power increase. so, eating Dosa, or other food dishes made of black gram for 2-3 times a week will help in good sex health. Urad daal
9. Get rid of diseases – Maximum sexual bliss can be had only if you keep yourself healthy and hygienic. So, get proper treatment for your diseases and do not allow them to grow to chronicity. Diabetes and hypertension may be causes for decreased libido, which has to be given proper treatment.
10. Take care of your partner. Love is such an important element to ensure mutual enjoyment. Please know the feeling of the partner. Ladies usually will be in a slightly different mood nearing to their periods. Working women will be usually encountering higher stress levels. So, please take care.
11. Ayurveda explains that food with sweet, salt and sour taste enhance sexual power and bitter, hot, too much spicy food articles lead to decreased sexual interest. asparagus, Ashwagandha, grapes, dates, meat, egg, chocolates,buffalo milk, buffalo curds, Aloe vera juice, Sweet pomegranate fruit are a few food items for sex power increase.
12. Sexual herbal supplements – You might need herbal supplements if you have following conditions.
– If you have diabetes or hypertension, due to which you are suffering from decreased libido / erection difficulties.
– If you are suffering from / recovering from a chronic disease,  which is leading to decreased libido for a prolonged period of time.
– None of the above tips are working, even after trying consistently over a period of time.

Increase Your Sexual Stamina

 It's Time For You To Increase and boost up Your Stamina In The Bedroom
Its worst thing that could happen: You’re really want do much more  with a woman you like, she’s beautiful, she’s sexy, the intensity is there… and then before things even really get started… you’re done. its stress-full. 
While most men are able to overcome premature ejaculation after their first few years of sexual exploration as teens or young adults, if you still struggle with building sexual stamina, don’t worry. Being easily turned on isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but if you really want to make sure her needs are met -- and you want to have longer, hotter intercourse -- Dr. Kat Van Kirk has some no-fail tips. 

Why Is This Happening?

While Dr. Kirk says that many men can be sensitive to penis sensation, she also notes that a big culprit that may be causing you to let it get the best of you -- and your sex life -- are the porn scenes in your head. “If you are more focused on a fantasy that is playing in your head than focusing on the actual bodily sensations and what you are doing in the present moment with your partner, than you might find yourself finishing early.”

The next time you’re getting it on, try zeroing in on one thing: the way her face looks as she’s getting more into it, the way it feels when she moves her hips underneath you. Don’t think about the overall experience or how you imagine it going, instead really feel the moment and movement you’re in. This will help keep you from going from zero to 100 before she even gets warmed up.

Why You Shouldn't Give Yourself A Hard Time

The truth of the matter is that everyone you’ve met, known or envied in the locker room or the big screen has experienced coming faster than their partner. It’s part of developing your sexual skill set, and something everyone has to discover on their own, for their own bodies. But as she rolls over, unsatisfied, and you’re out for the count, you might feel a little less of a man than you felt 10 minutes ago.

“It can actually be emasculating for some men as they feel that rapid ejaculation might indicate that they have less sexual prowess or aren’t manly enough – that they are still ‘juvenile’ in some sense,” Dr. Kirk says. The more you think about it, the more anxiety you’ll build in yourself, and the more chance you have of repeating the behavior you’re nervous about.

How To Talk About It

It may be ‘your problem’ -- but it affects your partner’s sex life, too. Women are generally very open about discussing anything, and sex is no exception. In fact, it might be refreshing for her to hear that you want to improve your sex life and make it better for the both of you. Dr. Kirk says to lead with those sentiments: “Bring it up by talking about how much you value your sex life together and that you’d like to learn how to prolong it for the pleasure of both of you,” she says.

Then, together, go into problem solving mode, and give it some time. “Realize learning to establish a new ejaculatory pattern takes some practice so neither of you should assume that this can be addressed over night,” she says. “Look at it as an opportunity to build emotional intimacy with your partner and broaden your sexual repertoire.”

Why You Should Masturbate More

Remember when you first started exploring your sexuality? Believe it or not, right from the beginning, you were teaching your body to finish fast as you jerked off in the bathroom or your childhood bedroom. “Most men have trained themselves to ejaculate quickly,” Dr. Kirk says. “Since their early teens, they have had to masturbate in secrecy without being ‘found out’, therefore learning to ejaculate quickly was in their best interest.”

These days, you -- hopefully -- don’t live at home and have more privacy to get in a good rub at least once a day. Dr. Kirk says learning to re-train yourself to last longer is something you can achieve with consistent masturbation. “The more men masturbate, the more control they can get over the timing of their ejaculation,” she says. “ Also, if you aren’t masturbating on a regular basis and you seem to be ‘saving it up’, it is more likely that you will ejaculate sooner than you or your partner might like.”

More Techniques That Could Help

If you’re in the midst of sex and you feel like you’re about to finish, Dr. Kirk says to try the ‘squeeze technique.’ “At the point of no return, pull your penis out and squeeze the tip of the penis with your thumb and forefinger until the urge to ejaculate passes.” If you’re comfortable asking your partner to help -- we bet she won’t mind if it means better sex! -- Dr. Kirk also says having her pull down your testicles gently will help you to hold onto your erection.

Or, go for an old classic: if you feel like you’re about to finish, stop intercourse and start going down on her. You’ll divert the attention away from whatever is turning you on, and bonus! She gets more play, too. When you’re ready to move on and try it again, start slow and apply the tips above.

Pull it out

The most common method men use is pulling out before they reach the orgasm. This method stipulates that men must anticipate the sensation of an impending orgasm. All men can anticipate when they reach orgasm, and at that point, they must stop the stimulation immediately. Obviously the women will need to be cooperative and understand when that point arrives. After a few minutes, the erection should soften a little and lovemaking can resume.

This technique has obvious benefits. First, women will have plenty of time to reach their orgasm. Second, your orgasm will be delayed with a higher intensity than usual. Remember it is all about timing; just make sure to pull out when the time is right .

An alternative technique to increase your stamina is to practice often. Most men will try masturbation throughout their lives and this is totally natural. We can write a whole article on masturbation, but the idea here is to discuss what masturbation will do for your stamina. Let's put it this way, if a man masturbates and reaches orgasm within only a few minutes, then, chances are, he will reach a quicker orgasm during sexual intercourse.

Obviously, there isn't the same level of excitement when masturbating as when one is intimate with another person, but the practice will surely help. The idea is that if a man masturbates, he should stop right before ejaculating and start back when the sensation is gone. It is basically training the male organ to last longer when orgasm approaches. Remember that only practice makes perfect!

These techniques are straight to the point and graphic in nature, because this is the way it had to be done and there is no subtle way of saying it. Hopefully, these techniques will help many men achieve greater stamina for future sexual encounters. Please feel free to email me if you have any useful techniques to prolong sex drive, or if you want to suggest a topic.

Best 11 ways to improve stamina in bed and extend your sex time naturally

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How to increase sexual time? How to last longer in bed naturally? How to increase sex time?  and How to increase sex period? are some of the most common questions people have. No we aren’t imagining these questions, people actually ask us these questions many times on our forum, it is quite possible that porn has influenced the preponderance of this worry. But just to lay this fear to rest, not being able to last long enough in bed is not always premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction. The demarcation is fairly simple — if you last for anything less than three minutes you should probably investigate the cause further. Here is a step-by-step guide to get your woman in mood for sex. 

Image result for vegetable boost sex staminaEat more vegetable and fruits and juice: Studies have actually shows that men who are mostly vegetarian last much longer in bed than non-vegetarians. They have more stamina due to the nutrients they get from these fruits and veggies, especially potassium.
1. Eating 2 banana just before sex could help improve your performance as it contains potassium. It also has a large amount of glucose that can help you last longer. 
2. Drinking amla or gooseberry juice everyday could help you last longer in bed and also improve sperm quality as it contains iron and zinc.
3. Eat a handful of strawberries before intercourse. Its high zinc content and glucose concentration can help you last longer.
Image result for avoid processed sugarAvoid and Away processed sugar: The ‘sugar slump’ that comes after a ‘sugar rush’ could reduce your stamina.Image result for avoid processed sugar
smoking is injurious to sex: It hardens your arteries and lessens blood flow to the penis. 
Image result for smoking bad for bed
Gain on your arms and abdominal muscles: Most of the sexual positions require the man to be on his hands and feet. This means his core has to be very strong in order to last longer. So, working on biceps, triceps and abs at the gym or body-weight exercises at home can help. Exercise also improves blood flow in general including to the penis and this could also help
do Kegels or pelvic floor exercises: These exercises are mostly used for gaining better bladder control, but also help in maintaining erections for longer. Imagine you are urinating and then try to stop the flow. Repeat this – squeeze, hold, release cycle 10 times, trying to hold for 10 seconds per squeeze.
Try ‘edging’: When you are almost there (during intercourse or masturbation), stop all sexual activity. Distract yourself for a bit. This way you can gain better control and extend sex time.
Try the squeeze technique: When you are almost about to orgasm, squeeze just below the head of the penis. This pushes the blood back from the penis giving you more time.
Focus more on foreplay and your woman: Sometimes, trying to get her to orgasm first with either your fingers or your mouth could help relieve your stress and help maintain your erection longer.
Get enough sleep: According to a research conducted by researchers from University of Chicago, men who got less than five hours of sleep at night had lower levels of testosterone. It is important that you get 7-8 hours of sleep to boost your sexual performance.
Try yoga: Certain yoga asanas like the cobra pose (bhujangasana), paschimotasana can increase blood flow to the genital area and increase the time you last in bed.